
Kebec collection

My recent work is an examination of the cycles of nature and the ways they intertwine with the human experience.

As a French Canadian, I grew up admiring the beauty of Quebec’s forests and learning about the ways they help us thrive. This work is dedicated to my grandpa, who imbedded in me a deep sense of gratitude for the earth. 

My paintings convey the changing seasons in Quebec, Canada. As the environment adapts and evolves to its surroundings during the cycle of life and death, it’s a reminder for me that life is fluid. I find a sense of peace in knowing that everything I experience and feel is temporary.

I use high-contrast colors in my paintings to convey a sense of energy and life. By mixing light and dark colors, I’m able to reflect the harmonious balance of nature.

I acknowledge that Quebec resides on unceded Algonquin territory.

Quebec’s name comes from the Algonquin’s word Kebec. It signifies the narrowing of the river in the area around the City of Quebec.